Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Fun in Douglas!!!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010

C has Fridays off during the summer so she and I usually spend the day together. Last week she took me to get a puppachino then to play with my cousin Gracie at C's parent's J and D's house. Gracie is sooooo cool. She even let me play with her tennis balls and eat some of her food! I think I get to go play with her again tonight!!!!!
F and N!!!!!!!!!!

We had houseguests two weeks ago and it was SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!! B's mom, F came over and brought her Mom N!!!! It was so much fun, I can't even put it in words. They brought me liver flavored treats that were to die for, and they even played with my toys! Right after their bed was made, I jumped on it to test it out, here is a picture. I can't wait to see them again soon.
Waiting for B!

So C is going to have a girl mini-human and they plan on naming her Madeline. I guess I am kind of ok with this whole thing. C keeps telling me that I am still her first baby and her BFF. She keeps assuring me that she will still pay attention to me and give me my daily "yuvies." I know, I know, it's cheesy but that is what we call it when she rubs my belly.
Here is a funny picture of me in my new big girl bed. It is a tiny bit too small for me (as you can see from the photo) but she was so excited, I didn't have the heart to tell her.
I'm alive... barely
I am alive, but it has taken me almost a full month to recover from our vacation to San Diego and Anaheim, California A.K.A. 'HELL'.
San Diego was GREAT!!!! We did dog beach every day and I had such a blast. I made new friends, swam in the ocean, got to take naps on the beach, it was FABULOUS!!!!
Then, the humans who apparently hated me for whatever reason decided to take me to Downtown Disneyland. Ugh, I get sick just thinking about it! There were so many mini-humans and that was the least of my problems! The ONLY good thing about Downtown Disneyland was the caramel popcorn on the ground. That is it.
After Downtown Disneyland they took me to a DISNEY KENNEL, and LEFT ME THERE!!!!!!! Can you believe that crap? They were all excited because it is on Disneyland's property so they thought I'd be just fine. Oh...my...gosh... I was miserable.
First of all I thought they were not going to come back for me. I got really nervous. Who will look after C if I'm not around? I stood up the whole time in my kennel watching for C and B, hoping this was some cruel joke they were playing. When they finally came to check on me a few hours later my little legs were sooooo tired from standing that they kept shaking. C was worried but B thought I was pretending to be hurt. Would I do that? Well, ok I would but I wasn't pretending this time.
The humans agreed to come back and check on me again to see if I would lay down this time but I couldn't lay down. What if they forgot about me? I was a nervous wreck! When they came back to check on me, C freaked out and took me to the hotel. B was actually really nice too. He ran all the way to the hotel to get the car so I did not have to walk. I did not realize how much energy it took out of me standing that whole time.
To wrap up this never-ending story, I was fine later that night once I got some rest but I am still hardly on speaking terms with the humans for doing that to me. I can't believe they took me to that place!!!!!! Disneyland is the most disgusting, smelly, noisy, mini-human filled place on earth. I hope I NEVER have to go back.
On a lighter note, I will post some pictures of me on Dog Beach later!
San Diego was GREAT!!!! We did dog beach every day and I had such a blast. I made new friends, swam in the ocean, got to take naps on the beach, it was FABULOUS!!!!
Then, the humans who apparently hated me for whatever reason decided to take me to Downtown Disneyland. Ugh, I get sick just thinking about it! There were so many mini-humans and that was the least of my problems! The ONLY good thing about Downtown Disneyland was the caramel popcorn on the ground. That is it.
After Downtown Disneyland they took me to a DISNEY KENNEL, and LEFT ME THERE!!!!!!! Can you believe that crap? They were all excited because it is on Disneyland's property so they thought I'd be just fine. Oh...my...gosh... I was miserable.
First of all I thought they were not going to come back for me. I got really nervous. Who will look after C if I'm not around? I stood up the whole time in my kennel watching for C and B, hoping this was some cruel joke they were playing. When they finally came to check on me a few hours later my little legs were sooooo tired from standing that they kept shaking. C was worried but B thought I was pretending to be hurt. Would I do that? Well, ok I would but I wasn't pretending this time.
The humans agreed to come back and check on me again to see if I would lay down this time but I couldn't lay down. What if they forgot about me? I was a nervous wreck! When they came back to check on me, C freaked out and took me to the hotel. B was actually really nice too. He ran all the way to the hotel to get the car so I did not have to walk. I did not realize how much energy it took out of me standing that whole time.
To wrap up this never-ending story, I was fine later that night once I got some rest but I am still hardly on speaking terms with the humans for doing that to me. I can't believe they took me to that place!!!!!! Disneyland is the most disgusting, smelly, noisy, mini-human filled place on earth. I hope I NEVER have to go back.
On a lighter note, I will post some pictures of me on Dog Beach later!
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