Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Otter schmotter

Art classes
Monday, June 29, 2009
Trying to sleep
Nap Time
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Watching TV
Where did B go?
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Silly Humans
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
THANK GOD the girl working the front desk was busy so my humans could get a good look at what was going on. This poor little Schnauzer was having his fur ripped out with a fine tooth comb and he kept telling the girl that it hurt but she would not listen. I kept scratching C and telling her to let me go because there was no way I was going to stay there but she just ignored me. Finally, this little fluffy dog AKA "my guardian angel" walked by and peed all over the floor right by where C was standing and that made her mad. C told B that the place was disgusting and she said she felt sad for the animals who were obviously being mistreated so we walked right out of that room! I have never been so happy in all my life.
After we walked out, C felt so guilty for almost subjecting me to that torture that she bought me a Greenie and a new Tire thing that rolls around. I am such a lucky girl!
Come back G!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Best Day Ever
Once we got home, C put some olive oil on my kibble and I LOVE when she does that. Instead of eating crunchy rocks, I get crunchy flavored rocks. THEN, and here’s where it gets good, I had to use the ladies room in the middle of the night so C let me out and instead of making me get right back in my kennel, she let me lay in her lap for a while. She scratched my ears and rubbed my belly. I think I might try that again tonight. I am safe as long as B doesn’t wake up and take me out. He actually puts me on my leash to go to the bathroom. Can you believe it? In all fairness, I do try to run away from him and wake up C so she’ll take me out instead, but come on is the leash really necessary? Anyways, it was a great day.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
New Clothes Woes
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
My crib or yours?
Meeting the Ocean
This is me.
My name is Lola and I am six months old. I live with my humans B and C in Arizona. C seems to think that I am most likely a labaweenie (part lab and part dachshund.) I am not 100% sure who or what my parents were because I ran away from home when I was really young. I wanted a better life and had dreams of liver flavored treats, fluffy dog beds, and jewel encrusted dog collars.
C is the best, I just love her so much. She gives me ice cubes, let's me drink water out of the bathtub faucet, and always gives me a sample of what she is eating. She is also very funny. She talks to me in this high-pitched baby voice that cracks me up, I'm like "Hello I am six months old, I'm not a baby anymore" but she seems to like it so I don't complain. B is... growing on me. Let's just say I am "fond" of him. He is fun to play with, but he gets so mad when I eat his shoes or underwear. I wish he would just chillax sometimes.