My weekend started out great. I went to Ajo and had so much fun but then C made me go to the vet when we got home. She is such a downer. I may or may not have hurt my two back paws from running around straight in the desert for 4 hours but still. Why make me go to the vet? Why does she hate me? The vet's office smells like animals who have been tortured plus they always poke and prod me and then they try to feed me these "treats" that taste like cardboard!
So then, get this, the vet gives me a SHOT! Ouch! It was bad enough getting my temperature taken but then to give me a shot? I am not currently on speaking terms with C.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Christmas Wish!!!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
I am sorry that I have not posted anything in such a long time! I have just been so busy lately. First of all, my human B is all of the sudden my new B.F.F. and that is taking up a lot of my time. Every morning he takes me outside and throws the ball to me. It is so much fun, I am really starting to like him. I may even like him as much or more than I like C. Don't tell her though, she is so sensitive! Then my online classes are getting so intense! It's that time of year though, first mid-terms now we are getting ready for finals.
Let's see what else is new... I got a new bed and it is really nice. The only thing I don't like is that it smells like cedar chips and reminds me of hamsters. I peed on it the first day I had it to neutralize the smell and that seemed to tone it down a bit.
I hear that I have a birthday coming up. Apparently I am turning 1 in December. I am not sure what that means but C gets all excited and tells me every single day.
I will post some new pics soon. :)
Let's see what else is new... I got a new bed and it is really nice. The only thing I don't like is that it smells like cedar chips and reminds me of hamsters. I peed on it the first day I had it to neutralize the smell and that seemed to tone it down a bit.
I hear that I have a birthday coming up. Apparently I am turning 1 in December. I am not sure what that means but C gets all excited and tells me every single day.
I will post some new pics soon. :)
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Nice bribe!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Something's up...
So I can't put my paw on it but something is up around here. I opened the coat closet today and saw this little yellow and black striped thing with a picture of a dog on it. I hope the humans don't think that thing is going on me. Then I almost freaked out when I walked outside and came face to face with this pumpkin! Something is definitely up...
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
My new frozen treats are to die for!
Best smell EVER
This past weekend I had a very important date with K and F in Tucson so I wanted to smell my very best. I happened upon a dead rat in the grass that smelled divine so I rubbed my entire body all over it. I rubbed my head, behind my ears, my belly, every place you can imagine was covered in this delicious dead rat scent. THEN, ugh, THEN C came and got me and pretended to throw up on me. She is such a drama queen. She yanked me into the house and freaking threw me in the shower with B and let's just say it wasn't pretty! I have never been so mad at him. He scrubbed that glorious rat scent right off of me with that itchy puppy shampoo crap. It was so embarrasing to walk into K and F's house smelling like an artificial flower. I don't know that I will ever forgive B and especially not C.
Whoa hiatus
I know I know I have not posted anything at all in a long time. So sue me. :) JK. I have been so busy lately which is both good and bad I suppose. Apparently the condo me and the humans rent is being foreclosed on so we have to move out by November 20th. I am not sure what exactly that means but I think it is a bad thing and I am not so sure I want to leave. I have all of my buddies here. Boomer, who is BlackJack's boyfriend is growing on me, and I love Sparkle. She is the best! Then there is a new little pup named Abby who seemed pretty nice and of course there is Jazz the old Westie. One thing is for sure, I will NOT miss that annoying dog who's human stinks like cigars or that stupid beagle that barks his head off all the time.
I hope I find some new friends wherever I end up going.
I hope I find some new friends wherever I end up going.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Totally stoked!!
The weather is actually starting to cool off and I am so totally stoked. Today was only 91 degrees and it was a little humid and breezy. C keeps saying that once it cools off we can go to the dog park more but so far she has not made good on her word. I'll give her one more week before I take her car and drive myself to the park.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Baby pic
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Pitch a Porcupine!
Here is a video of me chasing my "Pitch a Porcupine" unfortunately you can hear that annoying barking dog in the background. He barks all day long and it drives me bonkers.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
I hate the vet
OMG I had to go to the vet yesterday and let me tell you, it wasn't pleasant. He actually stuck a needle in my bladder to draw out pee-pee and it hurt so bad. I tried crying and whining so C would come and save me but she didn't. Then after an hour and a half of sitting in this white room starving to death they came in and said they did not collect enough urine to do an analysis so I had to pee in a cup this morning! C held a cup under me while B squeezed my belly and well, it was just weird. I feel fine I don't know why B and C are making such a big fuss over me. If they make me go to the vet again I am going to seriously consider emancipation.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
No Boys Allowed!
C and I have a She Cave!!! Last weekend we painted the office/guest room and got a new "Euro-Sofa" and it looks so great! Together we can watch our Netflix movies on the computer or play with my toys and eat treats. It is our own little relaxing cave and I love it!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Note to self, don't eat puppachinos on an empty stomach. That thing has my belly churning right now. The fumes are making my eyes burn so I know they are killing C! Can't wait 'till B gets home!!! ;) ;)
Fun Friday!

To quote the lyrical genius Ice Cube, "I gotta say it was a good day."
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
I went to Douglas, Arizona this past weekend and had too much fun! I am so tired from partying like a rock star! I got to play with my cousin Sophie, and together we barked at the green monsters crawling in the grass. We tried to scare them away but they ignored us, maybe they are deaf or something. It was a BLAST!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Lola burrito
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
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